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《魔兽争霸3:恶魔复苏》(又名《魔兽争霸3:失落皇冠》)是一款即时战略游戏,是魔兽争霸3的一部外国mod,这款游戏mod将原有的四个种族都替换了,人族换成森林精灵,兽族换成巨魔,亡灵换成混乱军团,暗夜换成沼泽居住者。  和TFT相比游戏性改变了很多,比如说支持所有种族的海战,开始的时候没个种族会有1个船坞和3艘战船。这个MOD中还包含了很多的模型,技能和音乐。而且电脑的AI也进行了增强。















          The Tales of Raviganion

              3.22 Full Version


Install Instructions:

1. Unzip all files of the archive into your Warcraft 3 folder.

2. Run TToR.exe and press the Globe to run TToR and The World Edit icon to run TToR World Edit

3. Play! The swapper automaticly swaps back to TFT after you exit TToR or the Editor.

Have in mind that TToR is a melee mod which means there are no campaigns. TToR simply contains custom races

which will replace the regulary ones on any melee map, which is the reason none it included in the release. 

It will NOT work on custom maps. There are three ways of playing. You can either play 

single player against computers in custom game, multiplayer against other people who have TToR via

LAN or Battle.net. To play games on battle.net simply host any melee map as a custom game and get other 

TToR players to join. Have in mind that they need the EXACT same version of the mod.

New in since 3.2 LE:

(+ means added, * means removed, - means fixed/changed)

+ Wings of War model which replaces winds of war

+ Lost Soul model

+ Chaos Fire Keeper model

+ Catamaran harpoon missile model

+ More fitting models for the Wood Elf towers

+ Large flaming cannonball missile model

+ New jass spell for Gate of Idramm

+ New beholder creep models

+ Beholder Shrine model

+ New menu music and new music track for Trolls

+ Fireengine model

+ Chaos Hellskiff model

+ North druid replaced with Wardruid with a new model (Thanks Armel!)

+ Two new spells for the Slarg King, healing wind and Death Wave

+ Random Mercenary camps swapping script, with elemental planes, vampire manors and

  squig recruiting places (Thanks RodOfNod)

+ New lumber harvesting system for Chaos (Thanks RodOfNod)

+ Elementals and Vampire

+ Hellfire Imp for Chaos. Serves as a lvl 1 ranged unit.

+ Added Architect unit to Wood Elfs, summons buildings, powerbuilds and repairs them, while

  craftsman only harvest gold now.

+ Darkling creeps

+ New secret models! ;)

* Winds of War

* Hellhound

* Ettercap creeps

- TFT 1.17 patch compability

- Beholder has now main attribute Intelligence and starts with much more strength instead of dexterity,

  making is much more usefull in battle.

- Improved Lady of the Wood model (Thanks Armel)

- Greatly improved Slarg King model

- Misc Icon updates

- Improved Slarg Abolisher model and unit renamed to Salman Abolisher

- Improved Balrog model

- Improved Azunai Warioress model

- Improved shadowcaster model

- Improved Arch Demon model

- Improved Swamp Dwellers buildings by polishing and adding mipmapping

- Improved Swampling and Larch portraits

- Increased refinery health

- Chaos now starts with one refinery instead of a hellhound

- Assassin of Ghworg dexetrity per level lowered, and increased intelligence instead

- Increased cooldown for volcano ability

- Increased cooldown for summon goldmine ability

- Troll upgraded towers now require tier 2 to be built

- Troll upgraded towers range lowered

- Many wood elf units cut in attack rate and damage

- Multishot ability removed and replaced with the old Strafe ability due to multiplayer imbalances

- Azunai Warrioress golem summoning time lowered and mana increased

- Lady of the Wood Grandmistress training price increased

- Increased mana cost and cooldown of Protector of the forest ability

- Protector of the forest health, damage and speed lowered

- Lady of the wood aura speed rate decreased

- Hellhounds no longer require pit of the forsaken to be built

- Cannibalism upgrade and ability removed

- Chaos towers shoots quicker and is a bit cheaper

- New graphics for Chaos tower attack

- Divine fury towers shoots slower and price and damage decreased

- Pixies attack slower and has less damage

- Mounted Larches now also get the hard scales upgrade

- Swampling damage slightly increased

- The Orb firing rate increased as well as the damage

- Waterplace price and building time decreased

- Less upkeep levels for better improved UI.

- Snotling Airstrike doesn't damage buildings anymore.

- All ships given siege damage and siege damage modified to not take too much damage to normal

  units, thus causing more balance between ships and land forces.

- New strategies for all ai's

- New AI profiles with specified taunts

- All AI's greatly improved

- Chaos AI bug fixed

- Wood Elf buildings is now selectable when being built

- Improved wood elves lumber gathering ability (Thanks Darky28)

- General tooltip and hotkey bugs

- Other Balancing I've forgotten right now.. ;)

I want to make maps for this but no units new units show up in the editor

even though I have TToR activated!


Open up the Object Editor, then from the file menu, select import all objectdata then select the

file TToR322Full.w3o which came with this zip file and press ok. You should know be able to

use all TToR units.

So... Who made this funky shit?


This mod was created by the The Tales Of Raviganion team which is:

RightField - Team Leader and main 3d modeller, modder, musician and skinner.

Dre - Unitdata, Skinner, bugfinder and betatester

Ragingdemon - Spells and abilties

Zanmato - Balancer, Ide?Guy and Betatester

AIAndy - AMAI integration in TToR

Alfred - Models and skins

MantisScreamer - Skins

MidNightPaladin - Jass hardcoding and additional spells and abilities.

Cookie - Models, unitdata and abilitydata tweaking, alphatester and additional mpq tweaker

Nailer - Models, Concept Art

Mav/Wolverine/JesterofDeath - Skins

Twiz - Jass Spells

Talila - Jass Spells

Kiether - Skinner, Idea Guy

Extra Thanks to:

Vexorian - Swapper and Patcher program

Darky28 - For Jass spells and additional blizzard.j help

Jheretic and Quake retextureing project - Skin and interface textures

Xaran - Troll models

RodOfNod - Additional Jass help and fixing

Slyrr - ShadowCaster Model, Imp

Triceron - Swampling Model

Goblinzz - Axe Troll Model

Armel - Wardruid

Dmitry Rommel - Illusionist Model

Arch_Angel - Pteradon Model

IceKnight - Pixie Enchanteress Model

Jackoo - Female Warrior Model

Whitehorn - Braincrusher skin, Summoner model

Armel - Lady of the Wood model

Kerry - Additional jass help

Raziel - Alpha testing

TKATK - Alpha testing

proudclod - Alpha testing

Xazuki - Potion Models

oBs - Alpha testing

Republicola and CitizenSnips - For help concerning 3ds max and the art tools

The Betatesters - For finding bugs

And everyone else on the wc3campaigns forums for commenting the models and the mod itself and helping improving it.


〤opyright The Tales Of Raviganion Team 2004, all rights reserved.

http://race.wc3campaigns.com Visit us today! 





  • 后缀为W3X的是 冰封王座(TFT)的地图。
  • 后缀为W3M的是 混乱之治(ROC)的地图。
  • 请放到魔兽争霸Maps\Download\目录下,进入游戏后选择此地图即可。
  • 后缀为W3N的是战役包,请放在魔兽争霸Campaigns\目录下,进入游戏后选择Single Game(单人游戏)-Campaigns(自定义战役),便可以体验该战役了。
  • 后缀为W3G的是录像文件,请放到魔兽争霸replay\目录下,需要有对应的地图才能观看,当找不到对应地图时会提示“指定目录的地图文件找不到”,请查找对应的地图放到指定的目录下。
  • 单人地图、电影、演示地图和录像,请在单人游戏中运行。
  • 魔兽专题更多>


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